What Analytics can we find on Playcore?
This section shows the overall analytics of a game such as:
Earners and Spenders
Price Charts
Marketplace Sales Volume
NFT Minting
Population Analytics
The Population Analytics section gives us insights into the economic activity of a game.
Number of Wallets
Economy Participants
New, Continuing, Returning, and Dormant Earners and Spenders
The Tokenomics section showcases the economic activity of a game.
Total Minted and Burned
Minted and Burned per Period
Total Burned over Total Minted during the specified date range
Cumulative Net Minted and Burned SLP
The Marketplace section highlights player economy in action.
NFT Lowest Sale, NFT Average Price Sold
Average sale Price, Lowest Sale Price, and Number of Sales per Period
All Time Marketplace Participants
First-Time Marketplace Participants
NFT Sales Profitability
NFT Sales Holding Period
Last updated